Monday, April 11, 2016

Antigonish.....The Dream

Hello Everybody! It's been quite an amazing week, if I do say so myself. We started out with a pretty strong P Day. We made some bold goals and set some plans on how we would achieve the goals we had set. We also cleaned the apartment and got prepared for the rest of the week (how fitting, I suppose).
We had made a personal goal for ourselves as the Zone leaders that we would try and make our area hit the gold standard this week. The Gold Standard is a model example of what we should be aiming for in our key indicators.

Tuesday was a pretty good day. We went out to a university town that is in our area called Antigonish. (the T is silent). Antigonish is home to St. Francis Xavier's University, and it is a nice mix of old and young people, and you get people from different locations as well. It's a Catholic school, and a religious community. I like it there. The only downside is that it takes about 45 minutes to get there. In any other area I would consider that a long drive, but after serving in Grand Falls, driving feels so short. And it's worth it to go this town. :) We had one investigator named F. He is native and is interested in the gospel. We had a pretty good lesson with him on the plan of salvation. He just needs to come to church, but it's been hard for him. We are going to try and help him understand what makes our church so unique. Other than that, we street contacted (I LOVE IT) and knocked and found a few people who were interested.

Wednesday was a fun day too. We had our Zone Conference in Dartmouth (Halifax). We received some great training from Bro. Cartier, an institute teacher who is impeccable. He taught us about what Faith really is. One thing that I found in myself that was lacking, was that I set goals for myself that I felt we could achieve, but didn't ever consider specifically asking the Lord what He wanted me to do. To make up for that, I've been thinking consistently about what I can do to do what Christ would do in EVERY situation. It changed the course of our week quite dramatically.

Thursday we had another Antigonish day. We had the opportunity of knocking to start. We don't have a wall map of Antigonish quite yet, so we didn't choose where we would knock until later. We drove past a few streets, and ultimately, we decided to knock Hillside. We knocked the whole thing, and found some success, but we decided to knock a small connecting street as well, and two young couples answered the door and said that they'd be very open to meeting with us. We are going to try to see them this coming week, and I'll let you all know how it goes.

After that, we had a lesson with our new investigator D. She is sweet, and very prepared. Within the past few months she has had some family members pass away and wants to become more spiritual. We were able to teach her about what we do as missionaries and shared the restoration with her. She liked what we shared, and we are teaching her this Tuesday! She is great! :D

Friday was another interesting day. The sister missionaries had found this Nigerian man who recently moved into all of our apartment building. His name is J., and he told the sisters that he would be willing to meet with us. So we decided that we would go upstairs and see if we could set up a lesson with him, and it went very well. He is a strong Christian, and he wants to follow Christ. We were able to discuss baptism, but he said he wanted to first read the Book of Mormon, but sounded very optimistic about it all! :D

Saturday was quite the week. We ended up finding for 8 hours. It was a lot of fun though, and I didn't feel like there was anything else we needed to do. We got several potentials who seem open to having us come by! I feel very good about this coming week! :D

and Sunday we didn't have church due to a snowstorm, so I still don't know very many members, but we've been stopping by and introducing them to me, so that's been good. It's just been strange not knowing anybody, really. :) 

This week, all in all, went really well. And this was only my first week in New Glasgow! I can't wait for the weeks to come! :D

Love you all!

Elder Wanlass

 My new companion Elder Hunt from Spanish Fork, UT.


My new space!

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