Thursday, February 11, 2016

We Will Not Lead You Astray! Except when we go to Breakfast....

Hello everybody! Elder Wanlass here, it was a pretty crazy week this week! For us especially, because for 4 days, I wasn't even in Grand Falls to work! In order to get to Halifax, we have to take an 1 1/2 hour plane ride, so traveling is a little different than other areas that I've been to. The Transfer Table was also unveiled this morning, and I found out I'll be staying in Grand Falls with Elder Kelley for another transfer! So that's cool. :) I love Grand Falls.

Anyhow, on Monday it was P Day, and we had family home evening as per usual. Sister Powell and Sister Hull both came too, which was fun, this is there last week in Grand Falls, since they are both being transferred away. Sister Powell is going to Saint John, New Brunswick, which is close to Hampton, my old area, and Sister Hull is going to my birthplace Caribou! So that's neat. :) The two new sisters I've been district leader over before. Gander and Grand Falls are going to have so many miracles happen this coming transfer :)

Aside from that, Tuesday we worked in Grand Falls, so that was fun. We tried finding people left and right, and it went okay, we have a lot to build off with this next week.

Wednesday we prepared our district meeting and headed out immediately! :) We barely made our flight in Gander and us and the sisters headed out to Halifax! The next two days we had amazing and fun meetings where we learned the essence of being a Christlike leader.

Because the apartment was empty, we needed to go get food! :) So one morning, we and the Fredericton Elders went to Cora's, a really good breakfast place, and ate food instead of staying at the apartment. It was so worth it.

Friday we also couldn't head out to Gander because of weather, so we got to go to Halifax and talk with people at a nursing home. It was a lot of fun. :)

Saturday we got back to our area around 3 pm. We had to plan out our next week and then we worked in our area a little bit. We got to meet with a less active member named Sister R. She has read 10 chapters of the Book of Mormon in the last week, so she is doing amazingly well! :) I'm so happy that we got to teach her. :)

I love you all! that's pretty much the entirety of my week

Elder Wadless! :)
Newfoundland is getting hit with major storms right now.

Leadership Training in Halifax with the Pres. Pratt

Halifax, Nova Scotia Temple

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Goofballs on Campus

Hello everybody! Elder Wanlass here in Grand Falls! It's been a pretty fun week this week, we saw a few cool things happen and got to go on a faraway journey to Paradise/St. John's Newfoundland! 

Monday was a pretty good P Day. It was pretty relaxed and we got to clean the van and all sorts of "fun things" like that. :) We also got to watch Meet the Mormons with some of the members, so that is cool.

Tuesday we had some meetings in the morning, and then we went out to Botwood for the day! :) Botwood is a small town a little closer to the shore. We knocked out there a little bit, and we were decently received. We still haven't found any new investigators as of this week... but we are working on it. After we had knocked the street, we actually got a media referral from somebody who lives there who wants a Book of Mormon, so that's really cool! :) We will hopefully be able to meet them today, but we won't have much time to since we will be in Halifax on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

Wednesday we had District Meeting where I trained on how we need to prepare our hearts for the work. I feel like the training was well received. After that we made the 4.5 hour long drive to St. John's. We had a chance to work with the elders there. I went with the District Leader, who was my former zone leader when I was a District Leader: Elder Dudley, and Elder Kelley went with the other two companions: Elder Hogg and Elder Julian. Elder Dudley and I had a pretty successful night! The first door we knocked on let us in. His name was Eti, and he's from Nigeria. We taught him the Restoration and the spirit was so strong throughout that whole experience. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he wanted to read it. His girlfriend was on the phone with him and she was in Nigeria at the time! That's so neat! After that we stopped by several other people who were interested and one guy who was not at all.

Thursday we were still in St. John's and split off into our respective groups. :) Elder Dudley and I went to MUN University and contacted people there. It was so cool to see how diverse people were and how many young people were interested in learning more about the gospel. After that we toured some of the sights, like Signal Hill, a cool lookout point where you can oversee the city, and then we went street contacting and stopped by some less active members as well. The day was very successful.

Friday and Saturday were just working days, we are really trying to build up our area.

That was pretty much our week. We had a smaller group on Sunday due to some people being sick and others being tired, so that's where we are at right now. Hopefully this next week we will be able to see some excitement in our own area. :)

Love you all!

Elder Wanda

Signal Hill in St. Johns, Newfoundland

With the beauty comes the snow! (Grand Falls)